Final farewell for ladies’ group

It’s the end of an era for a local ladies’ group, which is discontinuing after more than six decades.

The St Peter’s Ladies Group started in 1962 when it was known as St Peter’s Young Wives.

It was later changed to ‘Wives’ and then more recently became ‘The Ladies Group’. Their aim has always been to encourage friendship and fellowship and to raise money for charity.

Over the years they have raised thousands for worthy causes by holding raffles, bring and buy sales, pancake parties and cream tea events – one of their members even shaved their head.

It was a busy final year for the women, who raised £875 for the Avon Centre – an equine and nature-based charity which helps people of all ages with complex special needs through therapeutic riding.

The charity, located in the beautiful grounds opposite Blaise Castle Estate, is recognised as a centre of excellence and relies heavily on volunteers.

Riding or even just close contact with horses can greatly improve individuals’ lives, both physically and mentally.

The ladies were delighted to welcome Gill Edwards, a Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) coach from the centre to their annual carol service.

After the service they presented Gill with the cheque for £875. Keeping horses is very expensive and Gill was truly grateful for the group’s donation.

It was an emotional final meeting for the ladies, and even though it is the end of the group, the members intend to keep in touch with one another. They will continue to meet once a month, in St Peter’s Church Coffee Shop (open Monday – Friday, 10am – 1pm) to continue their friendship and enjoy coffee and cake.